5 Obvious Customer Experience Best Practices You Must Use

The nature of customer experience is so encompassing the entire customer journey, and beyond that, it becomes difficult to strategize the changes and improvements. It is easier to begin from somewhere and then develop a complete plan. To make this easier for you, we have compiled some of the industry best practices for unmatched customer experiences for service-based companies. 

Here are the 5 Customer Experience Best Practices:

1. Mobile Optimization

Customer Experience on mobile tops the list of any CX strategy or best practices list. It is so blatantly true because every person in day and age is a cyborg, humans with telephonic devices attached to them constantly. Not optimizing your digital services for mobile devices would be a terrible mistake. The majority of customer first impressions take place on the phone as a quick search for reviews and brand discovery on social media. The verdict? Optimize your website, ads, all digital services for mobile devices. 

2. Reducing Load Time

Every single business out there is fighting for one thing. Attention. Eyeballs. Customers. If you have been successful in bringing eyeballs to your website, it would be a disaster if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. As per a study by Forrester, 40% of consumers won’t wait for more than 3 seconds for a page to load. To make it worse, if your website takes even 250 milliseconds more than your competitors to load, customers switch. 

3. Simplifying Purchases

Bringing in revenue is the most critical function for any business. The customer’s journey from brand discovery and purchase should be devoid of all barriers, delays, and problems. Especially purchase, when the stakes are high, the workflow should be as seamless as possible. It not only improves your overall experience but drastically reduces the cases of cart abandonment. As well as nudges people to make the purchase that they have been thinking over for some time.

4. Multichannel Support

In terms of distribution channels, for either brand discovery or support, you need to be where the customer is present and talk like one of them. The objective with customer experience best practices is to reduce their effort as much as possible for every function. Support is one of the functions that drive retention. It is well understood by most that it is easier cheaper to retain a customer than to acquire a new one. So, it makes sense for companies to opt for multichannel support. 

5. Self-Service

Nowadays, customers prefer to take things into their own hands. They take more time researching a product on their own, watching demo videos, and reading reviews. In case of queries, issues, or complaints they hate to connect with the company. It is because the industry standards have been so low in the early days. Troubleshooting issues should be automated, and quick information should be easily accessible from a knowledge base. 

When we look back, customer experience best practices seem very obvious, yet most companies fail to achieve even this. Successful companies go beyond and differentiate themselves from the noise. 

Customer Experience Digital Transformation

Animesh is a technical writer at Nablasol and loves to see businesses and agencies take charge of their social footprint and put a human touch behind the brand. He loves to trek and will never say no to ice cream. Follow him on Twitter @Neonsaber7


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