What Is Service Delivery Automation & Why Is it Important?

Service Delivery Automation has become the talk of the town since companies with the most flawless service delivery are winning today. So, the conversation among C suite revolves around improving the customer experience for service delivery. For many, this means leveraging AI and Automation to improve productivity and drive home a good experience.

A study done with companies that had undertaken various automation projects across the enterprise revealed that 24% were already using AI and Robotic Process Automation to perform manual & routine tasks. The study carried out by Deloitte mentioned that these companies were emphasizing making their delivery operations as fast and seamless as possible using AI and automation.

A change in the operating procedure of any company is scary. Migrating data and helping users adopt the changes is one of the most crucial parts. So, it becomes pertinent to understand the why behind service delivery automation.

What Is Service Delivery Automation?

SDA or Service Delivery Automation is a type of process automation that deals with customer-facing operations like raising and tracking tickets, answering queries, resolving requests, etc. Such automation help companies deliver or provide their service to the customer in the more efficient way possible using technology, rather than the manual procedure of catering to them.

Companies currently use dashboards or platforms to do so but these still require manual tasks to be done every time someone opts for any service. SDA takes it one step above and integrates various systems and processes, establishes the flow of data, and removes all the things manual from the procedure.

Ultimately, SDA is the automation of manual human actions using AI technology. It requires the coordination of various business functions to achieve the desired results. These business functions fall under different customer-facing departments. Hence, a data flow improves the understanding of the customer journey.

Frequently Asked Questions about Service Delivery Automation (SDA):

How does Service Delivery Automation work?

It integrates multiple systems and removes manual interventions, ensuring seamless service delivery to customers.

Why is SDA important for businesses?

SDA facilitates operational efficiency, productivity gains, and improved customer experience.

Which industries benefit from Service Delivery Automation?

SDA has a lot to offer businesses that deal with a lot of customers, such as telecom, IT services, and support.

What technologies are involved in Service Delivery Automation?

SDA frequently makes use of technologies like AI, machine learning, and robotic process automation (RPA).

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